Digital Public Healthcare in Kosovo: A report

Our project partner, the Institute of Southeast Europe for Health and Social Policy (ISEE-HSP) in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) foundation in Kosovo, organized the discussion forum on the digital potential in improving health services in Kosovo.

During the forum, the findings of the study published by ISEE-HSP and KAS were presented, which include the lack of human resources in health and ICT, problems with technical infrastructure, data security and enabling inclusive access. ICR project coordinator in Kosovo, Erza Selmani co-authored the report and presented a digital health global overview.

Kosovo will try for the third time to extend the nationwide Health Information System to all public health services. The representative of the Prime Minister’s Office for Digitization, Mr. Lulëzon Jagxhiu said that this process will be based on the findings of the feasibility study led by the Ministry of Health, taking into account the lessons learned from past failures.
This event is part of the activities of ISEE-HSP to place digitalization in health at the forefront of public discussions about health.

The report: