

Shkolla Verore, Qershor 2023

Ne organizuam një shkollë verore emocionuese dhe informuese në Prishtinë, qershor 2023, e cila mblodhi së bashku një grup të larmishëm individësh për të eksploruar sferën më të avancuar të…

Lajme lidhur me projektin

Këto janë disa intervista dhe artikuj nga gazetat dhe programet televizive që donin të bënin një artikull rreth Pepper dhe të dinin më shumë rreth projektit. Ne folëm gjithashtu për…


S’u gjetën përfundime.


Impact of Prostate Cancer in Eastern Europe and Approaches to Treatment and Policy

Hematology/Oncology ClinicsAbstract: https://www.hemonc.theclinics.com/article/S0889-8588(23)00095-3/fulltext
Riaz Agahi, Fahredin Veselaj, Dafina Ademi Islami, Erza Selmani, Olga Khan, Ilir Hoxha

Fighting Cancer in Ukraine at Times of War

Hematology/Oncology ClinicsAbstract: https://www.hemonc.theclinics.com/article/S0889-8588(23)00089-8/fulltext
Erza Selmani, Ilir Hoxha, Orest Tril, Olga Khan, Andriy Hrynkiv, Leticia Nogueira, Doug Pyle, Mary Chamberlin

Gestalterische Aspekte methodisch-didaktisch bedeutsamer und Extended-Reality (XR)-gestützter Lehr-Lernszenarien in der beruflichen Qualifizierung von Pflegefachpersonen – ein Scoping Review

24. Jahrestagung des Netzwerks Evidenzbasierte Medizin e. V. (EbM-Netzwerk)
Jenny-Victoria Steindorff, Denny Paulicke, Patrick Jahn

The relationship between big five personality traits, coping strategies, and emotional problems through the COVID-19 pandemic

Current PsychologyAbstract: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12144-022-03944-9
Donjeta Gashi, Florim Gallopeni, Greta Imeri, Mimoza Shahini, Shegë Bahtiri

Clinical Decision-Making for Heart Failure in Kosovo: A Conjoint Analysis

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthAbstract: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/19/22/14638
Ilir Hoxha, Besim Guda, Ali Hoti, Esra Zhubi, Erza Selmani, Blerta Avdiu, Jakob Cegllar, Dorjan Marušič, Aferdita Osmani

Clinical Decision-Making for Appendectomy in Kosovo: A Conjoint Analysis

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthAbstract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7403847/
Ilir Hoxha, Bajram Duraj, Shefki Xharra, Afrim Avdaj, Valon Beqiri, Krenare Grezda, Erza Selmani, Blerta Avdiu, Jakob Cegllar, Dorjan Marušič, Aferdita Osmani